Every domain name is registered with a domain registrar, which maintains a public database known as the WHOIS database that contains information about the registered domain name, including the owner’s name and contact details. This information is available to the public, but the amount of information that is publicly available may vary depending on the domain registrar and the owner’s preference for privacy.
To find the owner of a domain name, you can perform a WHOIS lookup using a WHOIS search tool or a domain name registrar’s website. The WHOIS lookup will display the domain’s registration details, including the owner’s name and contact information. However, it’s important to note that some domain owners may opt to use a domain privacy service to hide their personal information from the public. In such cases, the domain registrar’s information may be displayed instead of the owner’s information.
In this article, we’ll explore how to find out the owner of a domain name. With some patience and determination, you can track down the mystery owners of any website you’re interested in. So read on to learn how to find owner of domain name.
How to Determine Who Owns a Domain Name

If you’re interested in a particular website or looking to purchase a domain name, you may want to know who owns the domain. Fortunately, there are a few ways to find the owner of a domain name. In this guide, we will walk you through some of the most effective methods to track down the owner of a domain name, including using WHOIS databases, domain name registrars, and online search tools. By following these steps, you’ll be able to gather important information about a domain name and its owner, which can help you make informed decisions about your online activities.
1. Whois Search
You can perform a “Whois” search to determine who owns a domain name. A Whois search provides publicly available information about a domain name’s owner and contact details for the domain registrar.
To perform a Whois search, follow these steps:
- Go to a Whois lookup service, such as ICANN’s Whois search tool, DomainTools, or whois.com.
- Enter the domain name you want to look up in the search bar.
- Click “Search” or “Lookup” to perform the search.
- The search results will show you information about the domain name, including the owner’s name, email address, and contact information for the domain registrar.
Keep in mind that not all domain owners may want their information to be publicly available, so some domain registrars offer privacy protection services that can obscure the owner’s information in Whois searches. In these cases, you may need to contact the domain registrar directly to obtain information about the owner.
2. Searching for the Website Itself
another way to find out who owns a domain name is to search for the website online. This can be useful if the domain owner has not enabled Whois lookup or has opted for privacy protection services. Here are the steps to follow:
- Open a search engine like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
- Enter the domain name into the search bar and hit “Enter” or “Search”.
- Look for results that include information about the website’s ownership, such as an “About Us” page or a “Contact Us” page.
- If you find an “About Us” page, look for information about the website’s owner or company. If you find a “Contact Us” page, look for contact information, such as an email address or phone number, that you can use to reach out to the website owner.
- If you are unable to find any information about the website’s ownership through an online search, you may need to try other methods, such as contacting the website’s hosting provider or domain registrar for more information.
This method may only sometimes provide accurate information about the website’s ownership, especially if the website is operated by a company or organization that uses a different name than the domain name. Additionally, some websites may need more information about their ownership or contact information, which can make it difficult to determine who owns the domain name.
3. Social Media Platform
Search Google for the domain in question or check social networks like Twitter or Facebook. Many businesses now have an online presence and may post updates about their business or contact information on these sites.
Here are the steps to follow:
- Identify the domain name: You will need to know the domain name of the website you are trying to find the owner of.
- Check for social media icons: Many websites have icons or links to their social media profiles on their homepage or contact page. Check if there are any social media icons or links on the website you’re interested in.
- Check the social media profiles: Once you have identified the website’s social media profiles, check if the website owner has provided any contact information or linked to their website on their profile. You can also look at their bio to see if they mention owning the website.
- Use social media search functions: Some social media platforms, like Twitter and LinkedIn, have functions that allow you to search for people by their name or username. Try searching for the website owner’s name or username to see if they have a profile on that social media platform.
- Look for connections: Check the followers and following lists of the social media profiles you’ve found to see if there are any connections to the website owner. This can be an excellent way to find additional profiles or contact information for the owner.
- Contact the owner: If you have found the owner’s contact information or social media profiles, you can try contacting them directly to ask for further details on their website.
It’s important to note that not all website owners will have a strong social media presence, and some may choose to keep their personal information private. Not all social media platforms may also be relevant to the website owner or their business.
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out who owns a domain name?
There are several ways to find out who owns a domain name. One of the most common methods is to use a WHOIS lookup tool. A WHOIS lookup provides public access to domain name registration information, including the domain name owner’s name, email address, physical address, and phone number.
To perform a WHOIS lookup, go to a WHOIS lookup website, such as whois.net or whois.icann.org, and enter the domain name you’re interested in. The results should provide you with the owner’s contact information and information about the domain name registrar, the domain’s registration date, and the domain’s expiration date.
Another method for finding the owner of a domain name is to look for contact information on the website itself. Many websites include a “Contact Us” page with an email address or phone number that you can use to reach out to the owner. However, only some website owners include this information, and there may be better ways to reach them.
What information can I get from a WHOIS lookup?
A WHOIS lookup can provide you with a variety of information about a domain name, including the owner’s name, email address, physical address, and phone number. In addition, the lookup may also provide information about the domain’s registration date, expiration date, and the name of the domain name registrar.
However, it’s important to note that not all domain names will have complete WHOIS information available. Some domain name owners choose to use a privacy protection service that hides their personal information from the public WHOIS database. In this case, you may only be able to see the contact information for the privacy protection service rather than the owner’s actual contact information.
Is it possible to hide domain name ownership information?
Yes, domain name owners can hide their personal information from the public WHOIS database. You can do this through a privacy protection service, which replaces the owner’s contact information with the contact information of the privacy service provider.
Privacy protection services are offered by many domain name registrars, and are often included as part of the domain name registration process. However, depending on the registrar, this service may have an additional fee.
Are there any legal restrictions on accessing WHOIS information?
Accessing WHOIS information may be subject to privacy laws and regulations in some countries. For example, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) restricts collecting and processing personal information, including information about domain name owners.
It is possible to find the owner of a domain name using various methods. Some of these include looking up the registration information through ICANN, WHOIS databases, and other online resources. It is also important to remember that some domain owners may choose to keep their identities private. Other means, such as legal action or contacting the hosting provider, may be necessary if this is the case. Ultimately, with enough effort and research on how to find owner of domain name, determining who owns a domain name should be possible.